Bezubik: I found it extremely annoying when people around me tried to assure that skinny me does not need the gym whatsoever…

Małgorzata Bezubik, fot. Monika Woroniecka

Gosia mogłaby prowadzić na Oxfordzie zajęcia Urok Osobisty w Biznesie. Opowiadać ludziom jak ważne jest budowanie pozytywnych relacji, dobre pierwsze wrażenie oraz że źródłem tego wszystkiego jest przede wszystkim ciekawe życie i bycie dobrym człowiekiem. Na co dzień jest świetną mamą, nauczycielem angielskiego i wybitnym cukiernikiem. Póki Oxford nie wpadł na nasz pomysł, możemy zapraszać ją do pisania felietonów w języku angielskim na i z wielką przyjemnością to robimy. Założenie jest proste – połączyć przyjemne z pożytecznym. Czytanie felietonu z odświeżaniem naszej wiedzy o języku angielskim.

Małgosia w ubraniach Under Armour
Małgosia w ubraniach Under Armour

Małgosia Bezubik: Finally! 2016 is over, gone, forgotten! Phew!!! Whoever I ask, they all seem to squirm at the mere recollection of the past year. It’s all a matter of perception.  Anyway, it’s high time to move on and embrace what the future holds for us.  Frankly, I would not say my life has changed that drastically overnight. I perceive the official change of the date as somewhat an artificial border. I believe that every decision we make, at the beginning of the year or in the middle of it, should be driven by personal needs and feelings and only lead to making us happier and more frugal.

Personally, I do not encourage the idea of making the kind of New Year’s resolutions that involve giving something up, refraining ourselves from doing something or limiting us in any way. Maybe if we resolved to do more of what realistically makes us happy, people would actually pursue their new resolutions with more determination and persistency instead of associating them with self-punishment?

When I took stock of my life, on the verge of 2016 and 2017, apart from joining the team of inspiring people, who contribute to the success of Przedsiebiorcze Podlasie, of courseJ, I found one major reason for personal pride. The decision I made in May of 2016 turned out to be a sea change not only in my lifestyle, but also in my mindset. Since primary school I have been fooling myself into thinking that attending a Sports School is about enough to keep me fit for the following fifteen years. My next excuse to avoid the subject of physical activity was the fact that giving birth to my son left my metabolism forever changed without a medically explainable ability to gain a few kilos/pounds.

 Apart from losing weight I think I also lost a few friends, as they could not believe that the pace of my crazy lifestyle was simply enough to keep me skinny, without the apparent need to cut down on anything, especially sweets. What is more, when I finally reasoned with myself and visited the local gym I wandered aimlessly, bumping into every possible piece of gym equipment one can imagine and frantically looking for the nearest emergency exit. Failure breeds failure! I have to admit that, at some point, I silently ridiculed every fitness related activity in the social media. But that was just sour grapes. In fact, I truly envied those fit freaks their motivation, perseverance and the discipline that I so clearly lacked in order to take up any form of physical exercise. Moreover, I found it extremely annoying when people around me tried to assure that skinny me does not need the gym whatsoever…

fot. Małgorzata Bezubik
fot. Małgorzata Bezubik
fot. Małgorzata Bezubik
fot. Małgorzata Bezubik

Then, one morning I rolled out of bed, with yet another pain in my back, no energy or appetite and went on to see a personal trainer! That was the last time I ran after a bus, gasping for breath and the last time I hated running.  My middle-of-the-year resolution was the best thing that happened to me in 2016. My coach promised to take care of all my fears and inhibitions first, and believe me I had a few. Namely, I wondered if I had to give up on my beloved meringue cake. Needless to say, the answer was NO since I continue to indulge in it like before! All I had to do was to maintain an intensive workout and sweat the last crumbs out of myself.

Secondly, I realized I do not want a beach body for the upcoming summer but I want a beach body for life. That itself significantly took the pressure off and let me enjoy my workout even more.

Additionally, I could not imagine how on earth I would be able to cope with all my daily duties as a teacher, mother, baker, blogger, and manage to squeeze in training on a regular basis. To my surprise, once I have started exercising I became the most organized person I know! And finally, I was afraid I might get bored with the routine. Luckily my PT knows a few tricks and keeps me excited to find out with every new workout session.

fot. Małgorzata Bezubik
fot. Małgorzata Bezubik

There is one more advantage of taking on decisions that lead to happier you instead of limited you.  Throughout these eight months of intensive training my body has changed here and there and I was “forced” to enrich the content of my wardrobe with better fitted looks. Perfect example of killing two birds with one stone.

As for the 2017 resolutions, I decided to play traditional board games more often as it is so much fun, and maybe fill my house with plants.

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fot. Małgorzata Bezubik
